Yes we did. We understand the present economic situation in the country and most especially the payment of school fees this period.

Thus, many have pleaded for extension of the Early Bird deadline and because of the value we placed on you, we listened despite the fact that more than what we anticipated have joined already. The list is almost full. We salute your courage and the believe in us.🫡

The management of your company Life Gift Global Foundation sat over the weekend and after reviewing the requests made by our highly esteemed members, decided to extend the deadline to the 8th of March, 2024.💃💃

Congratulations to all of you that desired to be part of this first of it’s kind Life Gift Jumbo 2024 cooperative Early Bird😎👍

So…hurry now and beat the dead line. Let not the deadline beat you.

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LGG is a leading Direct Selling, marketing, food distribution and Passive income creation Company with over 500,000 clients across the globe.
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