Good news to all.  To make your loan approval faster, we decided to bring our bankers to our Abuja office every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to meet with our members one on one and approve the loan of the qualified persons instantly.

This is how much extra-mile we are willing to go in making sure your lives are touched with both hands. Na God.

Therefore, if you are in Abuja and applied for the bank loan or wish to apply kindly come to the office on any of the above mentioned days (Mons, Weds or Fridays). To know if you are eligible to apply kindly private chat me or Lizzy. Other states are loading.

However, if you are not in Abuja please be close to your phone or laptop on any of the days from 12 noon, you can then call and stay on the phone for immediate approval.

What else can we do to make sure u are wealthy😊

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LGG… We keep touching lives with both hands

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Welcome to Life Gift Global Foundation (LGG).
LGG is a leading Direct Selling, marketing, food distribution and Passive income creation Company with over 500,000 clients across the globe.
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