LIfe Gift Gombe Summit

LIfe Gift Gombe Summit

You won’t believe this! Despite the protests, hardship and food items scarcity Life Gift Global Foundation is still touring the nation distributing food items and touching lives

That is the difference between PASSION AND JOB
We are truly passionate in making life better for Nigerians.
Won’t you rather ‘bank’ your membership with us?
Which other system gives you Access to:
Loans, Jobs, Contracts, Food items supply and Passive income eh?

It’s happening live in Gombe, Gombe State this weekend.
Be there
Date: This Saturday, Feb 24th: English Session time 9am.
Hausa Session: 12noon

This Sunday, Feb 25th English and Hausa Session: Time 2pm

Venue: Custodian Hotel, By Agric Junction, Along Bauchi Road, Gombe, Gombe State.

Gate Fee: 3k (Membership code and refreshment inclusive)


LGG Early Bird Has Been Extended

LGG Early Bird Has Been Extended

Yes we did. We understand the present economic situation in the country and most especially the payment of school fees this period.

Thus, many have pleaded for extension of the Early Bird deadline and because of the value we placed on you, we listened despite the fact that more than what we anticipated have joined already. The list is almost full. We salute your courage and the believe in us.🫡

The management of your company Life Gift Global Foundation sat over the weekend and after reviewing the requests made by our highly esteemed members, decided to extend the deadline to the 8th of March, 2024.💃💃

Congratulations to all of you that desired to be part of this first of it’s kind Life Gift Jumbo 2024 cooperative Early Bird😎👍

So…hurry now and beat the dead line. Let not the deadline beat you.

Frequentlt Asked Questions about the Early Bird

Frequentlt Asked Questions about the Early Bird

Qs. Would I be among the first to receive my food items if I join make the Early Bird List?
Ans: _Absolutely. Early birds will be treated special in everything including food items delivery.

Qs. About the Cooperative Loan, if I make the Early Bird list, would I be considered.
Ans: Yes you will have 80% chance of getting the cooperative loan ESPECIALLY if you belong to the 10k category and you made the list

Qs. I understand that Early Bird members might get even Live Stock amongst their food items.
Ans. Yes especially if you have more than one slot on the 10k category.

Qs. Can Early Bird members choose the food items they desire?
Ans. That is one special privilege Early Bird members do have. Each member of the Early Bird can request for the kind of food items he/she wants

Qs. What makes you an Early Bird?
Ans. The completion of your 12 months payment before Feb 14th makes you an Early Bird.

LGG Cooperative Early Bird

LGG Cooperative Early Bird

During the 2023 cooperative we experienced some hitches while delivering the food items in December. Reason being that distribution started 2weeks to the end of the year due to Members who could not complete their payments till same second week in December.

Even thou we covered 20 states within two weeks which is highly commendable as people testified, but we were not satisfied. It was a pilot system last year and we learnt from it.

Now we have vowed it won’t happen again with your help. There will be a Reward for those who will help us to achieve this goal by making complete payment for whole year on or before Feb 14th.

We will show you much love during the food distribution in December. You will get almost 50% more than what your equals will receive. This will be easy for us to do hence we can target and buy at a lower price for you within the year.

That is what we call the EARLY BIRD benefits.
Be part of it now.

Simply choose your category and pay for the whole year upfront.

Do not delay in making a positive decision by joining the Cooperative Early Bird this 2024.😁

Did I tell you? All those who made it to the Early Bird list have the following additional advantage apart from getting more food items than others:

1. Early Birds can send to us the list of food items they desire (including live stock if resident in Abuja).😱

2. Early birds can demand for their food items from the middle of November if they so wish and it will be delivered to them.

3. Early Birds MAY have the food items delivered to their doorsteps (T&C applied depending on how easy it is to locate the resident)

4. Early Birds will form part of the Cooperative Executive in qualifying members for cooperative loan.

May God give you all the enablement to make the Early birth list which closes Feb. 14 (Valentine day)😍😁

Life Gift newly improved Cooperative

Life Gift newly improved Cooperative

December is known to be a time people need and demand for food items the most, little wonder why the prices of food items becomes untouchable during the ‘Ember’ months.

Think about it. If prices are rising non-stop already today as reported by the Business Daily Newspaper, what would it look like at the end of the year? 🤷‍♂
But you don’t have to be cought in this quagmire. LGG has made a sweet escape route for you.

JOIN THE 2024 Life Gift newly improved Cooperative now! And be rest assured you won’t need to worry about food items supply at the end of the year plus opportunity to enjoy our forthcoming cooperative soft loan ONLY for cooperative members! Hurry now and be among the Early Birds. “The Camel that got to the river first, drinks the cleanest water”.

Start NOW:
Choose: 10k or 6k or 2k monthly contribution and,
Kindly pay to:
Life Gift Global Ltd
Sterling Bank

Pls share your payment evidence with Joseph on 09062118008

You will earn more for sure.

The 2024 Newly Improved Life Gift Cooperative

The 2024 Newly Improved Life Gift Cooperative

The 2024 Newly Improved Life Gift Cooperative is easy to join. Here are the simple steps to follow:

Step A. Choose the category(s) you would like to join:
There are three major categories as follows:

1. The 10k per month category comes with a free Health insurance scheme.
2. The 6k per month category also comes with a Free Health Insurance Scheme
3. The 2k monthly cooperative doesn’t come with Health Insurance Scheme.

You can belong to the 3 categories and also take as many slots as u desire.

Step B. Make payment to :
Life Gift Global Ltd,
Sterling Bank.

Step C. Share your evidence of payment with Joseph (09062118008) and tell him your location or where u wish to receive the food items come December.

Step D. Ask Jessica (09076046604), to add you on the 2024 Cooperative Whatsapp platform. This is very important bcss all info on the cooperative will be posted there ALONE.

Do it now👍😊

Click to chat with us.
Scan the code
Welcome to Life Gift Global Foundation (LGG).
LGG is a leading Direct Selling, marketing, food distribution and Passive income creation Company with over 500,000 clients across the globe.
Chat with us to know how to become a member.